Running on empty


The extra body fat burned by subjects exercising in a fasted state over those who ate breakfast before training, according to Northumbria University


minutes of moderate-tovigorous exercise in the morning reduced people’s motivation for unhealthy food later that day, according to research published in the journal Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise

To burn fat quickly you need to be in a daily calorie deficit so your body is forced to tap into existing fat stores and free their energy for fuel. And the good news is that you can accelerate your fat loss without doing any more exercise simply by working out before breakfast. In a new study from Northumbria University, subjects who trained first thing on an empty stomach burned around 20% more body fat than those subjects who had breakfast before exercising. What’s more, those who did a morning “fasted cardio” session – as it’s known – did not consume any more calories over the course of the rest of the day than those who’d trained after breakfast. So if you want to lose body fat faster, wake up, have a strong black coffee and then go for a run or ride.

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